ManufactureThe four major domestic producers of perchlorates all employ the same basic manufacturing method. Sodium perchlorate, an intermediate perchlorate salt, is made exclusively by an electrochemical method—the anodic oxidation of sodium chlorate (I). The common industrial practice has been to produce the ammonium, potassium, or lithium salt by double decomposition, followed by separation of the reaction products by fractional crystallization. The following shows the general scheme of commercial preparation: Electrochemical Oxidation of Sodium Chlorate: There are a number of other methods of manufacturing metal perchlorates; however, none has attained commercial status. A few of these Other preparative methods are:
1. Thermal "self-oxidation" of chlorate (2).
2NaC103 -» NaC104 + NaCl + 02 The thermal "self-oxidation" method has not been adopted commercially because yields are low, by-products are difficult to separate, and the reaction is potentially explosive. Ammonium PerchlorateThe double decomposition reaction previously shown indicates that the chloride salt of potassium and ammonium is used in the manufacture of ammonium perchlorate; however, the![]() Figure 1 shows the three-component system ammonium perchlorate, sodium chloride, and water which results from the reaction of sodium perchlorate and ammonium chloride. This system is well suited to fractional crystallization. To illustrate the fractional crystallization, a typical crystallization path is included in the solubility diagram (Figure 1). Starting at point "a" the aqueous solution of the reactant products, sodium chloride and ammonium perchlorate, is cooled, resulting in the crystallization of ammonium perchlorate. The mother liquor of a composition represented by point "b" is then evaporated to composition "a" If the evaporation is carried out under vacuum, sodium chloride crystallizes out of the mother liquor to a composition "d." Thus, a crop of sodium chloride crystals is removed proportional to the length of the line segment "cd." A small amount of water is added to the mother liquor to return to the starting composition "a"; re-actants are then added and the cycle is repeated. There is little danger of sodium chloride co-precipitating with ammonium perchlorate in this process because of the flat solubility isotherm of sodium chloride. Ammonium nitrate can also be used as a reactant to form the system ammonium perchlorate-sodium nitrate-water; however, sodium nitrate does not exhibit the temperature independency of sodium chloride so care must be taken to prevent the co-precipitation of sodium nitrate and ammonium perchlorate. Another disadvantage is that the nitrate ion is foreign to the reactant, sodium perchlorate, whereas the chloride ion may be present as an impurity in the sodium perchlorate feed. Economic considerations also support the selection of ammonium chloride in preference to the nitrate. Although sodium nitrate is a more valuable by-product than sodium chloride, a market which would accept the inevitable contamination with ammonium perchlorate would have to be located or developed. Sodium chloride, on the other hand, can be recycled to sodium chlorate cells. ![]() Process flow systemA simplified process flow diagram of the 50 ton per day ammonium perchlorate plant operated by American Potash & Chemical Corp. at Henderson, Nevada, is presented in Figure 2 (7).Anhydrous ammonia, hydrochloric acid, and an aqueous solution of sodium perchlorate are continuously ratioed to the reactor operating above the saturation temperature of ammonium perchlorate. Reactor effluent feeds a continuous vacuum-cooled crystal-lizer. A slurry of ammonium perchlorate crystals from the crystallizer is centrifuged and washed, and the wet crystals are discharged to a reslurry tank. Mother liquor, along with the centrifuge wash tails, is then continuously concentrated in an evaporator to precipitate sodium chloride and maintain the water balance. Mother liquor from the evaporator, depleted in sodium chloride and ammonium per-chlorate, is then returned to the reactor to complete the cycle. The reslurried ammonium perchlorate crystals are pumped to the drying facilities and the crystals are centrifuged, washed, and flash-dried to a surface moisture content of less than 0.01 per cent. Before being packaged, the crystals are screened to remove any that are oversized or undersized and then blended. Rejects from the screens are returned with the centrifuge mother liquor to be recrystallized. Because the process is cyclic, impurities tend to build up. Therefore, a continuous blowdown stream is taken at the point in the process where the impurity concentration is at a maximum. Major impurities enter the plant via the sodium perchlorate feed to the reactor. This feed contains low concentrations of chlorate, chromate, sulfate, calcium, and magnesium ions. Calcium and magnesium salts and sulfate can be held to low build-up rates by extensive use of condensate for centrifuge wash and are removed periodically by soda ash and barium treatment. ![]() Although calcium and magnesium, as chlorides or sulfates, do not appear to affect the stability of ammonium perchlorate, low concentrations of hy-drated and hygroscopic salts of calcium and magnesium are necessary to minimize caking. Pure ammonium perchlorate is not hygroscopic but, like many other crystalline products, will cake, causing processing problems for the propellant manufacturer. The caking tendency can be greatly reduced by the addition of an anti-caking agent, tricalcium phosphate.
LITERATURE CITED1. Schumacher, Joseph C, "Perchlorates— Their Properties, Manufacture and Uses," prepared for publication by the American Chemical Society, Monograph No. 146, Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York (1960). 2. Schumacher, Joseph C, U. S. Patent, 2,733,982 (1956). 3. Bennett, C. W„ and Mack, E. L., Trans. Electrochem. Soc., 29, 323-46 (1916). 4. Leasher, V., Stone, H. W., and Skinner, H. H., Jour. Amer, Chem. Soc, U, 143-44 (1922). 5. Haber, F., and Grinberg, S., Z Anong. Chem., /16, 198-228 (1898). 6. Schumacher^--. Joseph C, U. S. Patent 2,739,873 fl956). 7. Schumacher, Joseph C, and Stern, David R., Chem. Eng. Progress, 53, 428-32 (1957).
A problem not usually encountered in other inorganic salts is that when ammonium perchlorate crystallizes out of an aqueous solution, it invariably contains a small amount of included moisture. This included water presents a drying problem because time must be allowed for some of the included water to reach the surface of the crystal.
Equilibrium moisture contentFigure 1 illustrates the time dependency of drying ammonium perchlorate. It is noted that the ultimate equilibrium moisture content is related to the initial total moisture content.
Caking, then, results not from storage in a high humidity environment, but from the slow release of moisture from the interior of the crystals. This could be reduced by prolonged drying before packaging, but this would necessitate handling large quantities of ammonium perchlorate at elevated temperatures, thereby increasing the hazards of the drying process. The solution to the problem is partially obtained by packing ammonium per-ehlorate with bags of desiccant to absorb the moisture as it is released. ![]() Crystallization operationBy far the most critical unit operation in the plant is the crystallization of ammonium per chlorate. Operating problems in centrifuging, drying, screening, and blending can usually be traced to improper control of the crystallizer. For example, a low bed density and low crystallizer circulation rate cause a fine crystal size distribution and, consequently, a high reject rate and overloaded downstream equipment. Propellant manufacturers desire firm, well-rounded, single crystals.
![]() ![]() Ammonium perchlorate is dimorphous; the transition between the two crystalline forms, orthorhombic and cubic, occurs at 240°C. Deflagration occurs at about 475°C with evolution of light. At higher temperatures, the decomposition is explosive. Although it would appear from these figures that ammonium perchlorate can be dried in complete safety with conventional equipment and with little regard for temperature, the thermal sensitivity is affected by small quantities of impurities. Also, the decomposition appears to be auto-catalytic so that decomposition products tend to accelerate the reaction. For these reasons, the dryer should have low hold-up and a temperature not exceeding 150°C. High velocities of dry air are used to compensate for these unfavorable drying conditions. Potassium PerchloratePotassium perchlorate is also manufactured by the general double decomposition process. A few process modifications are necessary because of potassium perchlorate's physical and chemical properties.![]() Lithium PerchlorateLithium perchlorate has not yet been produced in quantities comparable to potassium perchlorate and ammonium perchlorate. A review of its physical properties (Table 2) indicates it is superior to both potassium perchlorate and ammonium perchlorate as a propellant oxidizer in many respects.Table 2 illustrates the superior performance characteristics of lithium perchlorate. On a weight basis, it has a higher oxygen content than ammonium perchlorate, yet lithium perchlorate is more stable. The favorable oxygen content, oxygen balance, and stability are all attractive features of the lithium sale A disadvantage of lithium perchlorate as an oxidizer is that most exhaust products are solids, as are potassium perchlorate exhaust products; thus, performance gains are almost wiped out. There are additional factors to consider. Lithium perchlorate is extremely hygroscopic and exists as a trihydrate at room temperature. Traces of moisture in propellant mixesare intolerable, since moisture affects the aging properties and results in gassing in propellants containing aluminum powders or a polyurethane binder. ![]() A process has been developed for the preparation of lithium perchlorate based on the reaction of ammonium perchlorate and lithium hydroxide. By boiling an aqueous solution of these reactants, ammonia is driven off. The resulting solution of Lithium perchlorate can be crystallized to yield the trihydrate, or the lithium perchlorate can be recovered by evaporating the solution to dryness. The literature (1) indicates that a process involving the anodic oxidation of lithium chloride using platinum anodes might be developed for the manufacture of lithium perchlorate. 1. Izgaryshev, N. A., and Khachaturyan, M. G., Doklady Akad. Nauk., U.S.S.R., 56, 929-32 (1947) and Doklady Akad. Nauk., U.S.S.R., 59, 1125-28 (1948). |